Woman wearing a black blazer

Lisa Phillips McLennan

  • Ngāti Konohi
  • Ngāti Raukawa

Kaitaki Waka - Enriching Voyages

Lisa helps guide our waka, setting the strategic vision and direction for people and culture at Alphero, and ensuring we all thrive and grow at work. She brings huge energy and passion to her job - and some super impressive skills too. Her background is in education and psychology, and she’s a world-class researcher with heaps of experience at working within communities. Not only is she supporting us to build on our Te Ao Māori foundations within the team, she enables us to better understand and create inclusive solutions with Māori.

As if she weren’t busy enough, Lisa’s also about to complete a PhD in neuroscience. When she needs a break from intellectual pursuits she loves to hoon round paddocks in old cars or watch a certain show where people get married without knowing each other… because it’s all about the balance, right?

Time at Alphero2 years